Goethean Science

At 21, Arthur Zajonc encountered the study of Goethe’s science under his German professor, Alan Cottrell. Goethe’s work represented the possibility of bringing scientific, technical, and academic dimensions of life together with cultural, spiritual, and meaning dimensions, and finding some kind of reconciliation. His first published paper was on Goethe’s color theory and scientific intuition, and Goethean insight continues to illuminate his research, writing and living.
- Liberating Light: A Contemplative and Scientific Encounter (March 2013)
- Science and Anthroposophy – Introduction (January 2010)
- Contemplative Pedagogy and the Sciences (January 2009)
- Every Object, Well Contemplated, Changes Who You Are (January 2009)
- Knowledge between science and spirituality (May 2007)
- Goethe and the Phenomenological Investigation of Consciousness (January 1999)
- Toward A Yoga of the Senses (September 1997)
- New Wine in What Kind of Wineskins? (January 1994)
- Contemplating Nature (September 1992)
- Science within an Ecology of Mind (January 1992)
- Light and Cognition: The Imperatives of Science (January 1991)
- Water as a Spiritual Resource (January 1990)
- Earth’s Many-Colored Mantle (December 1989)
- Light and Glass (June 1989)
- Three Realms of Scientific Work (June 1989)
- The Geometry of Life (December 1985)
- The Wearer of Shapes: Goethe’s Study of Clouds and Weather (December 1984)
- Facts as Theory: Aspects of Goethe’s Science (December 1983)
- An Aeolian Harp: Nature and Novalis’ Science (January 1980)
- Goethe’s theory of color and scientific intuition (April 1976)