- Contemplation in Education (January 2016)
- Mind and Morality: Where Do They Meet? (May 2015)
- Contemplative Pedagogy in Higher Education: Toward a More Reflective Academy (January 2014)
- Liberating Light: A Contemplative and Scientific Encounter (March 2013)
- Contemplative Pedagogy: A Quiet Revolution in Higher Education (January 2013)
- Making Peace, Becoming Awake (April 2012)
- Thinking Like Einstein (March 2011)
- From Scientific Imagination to Ethical Insight (January 2010)
- Science and Anthroposophy – Introduction (January 2010)
- Toward a Contemplative Curriculum (August 2009)
- Contemplative Pedagogy and the Sciences (January 2009)
- Every Object, Well Contemplated, Changes Who You Are (January 2009)
- Contemplative and Transformative Pedagogy (November 2006)
- What He Can Teach Us About the Brain (September 2006)
- The Universe in a Single Atom – Review (September 2006)
- Love and Knowledge: Recovering the Heart of Learning (January 2006)
- Science and Spirituality: Finding the Right Map (January 2006)
- Holism and Reductionism in the Entwined History of Light and Mind (May 2003)
- Buddhism and Science- Review (January 2003)
- Spirituality in Higher Education: Overcoming the Divide (January 2003)
- Healing the Breach of Faith Toward Everything That Is (December 2002)
- Contemplative Inquiry and Action (April 2002)
- Conversations with the Dalai Lama: Quantum Physics and Spiritual Truth (September 2001)
- Buddhism Beyond the Bounds of Belief- Review (August 2000)
- The Common Cognitive Sources of Science and Religion (June 1999)
- Goethe and the Phenomenological Investigation of Consciousness (January 1999)
- Toward A Yoga of the Senses (September 1997)
- Understanding Hephaistos and Educational Technology (January 1997)
- The Vanishing Heart of Higher Education (February 1996)
- New Wine in What Kind of Wineskins? (January 1994)
- Contemplating Nature (September 1992)
- Science within an Ecology of Mind (January 1992)
- New Consciousness, New Thinking and the New Physics (January 1992)
- Guiding Our Children Into the Next Century (October 1991)
- Light and Cognition: The Imperatives of Science (January 1991)
- Water as a Spiritual Resource (January 1990)
- Earth’s Many-Colored Mantle (December 1989)
- Light and Glass (June 1989)
- Three Realms of Scientific Work (June 1989)
- The Geometry of Life (December 1985)
- The Wearer of Shapes: Goethe’s Study of Clouds and Weather (December 1984)
- Computer Pedagogy: Concerning the New Educational Technology (January 1984)
- Facts as Theory: Aspects of Goethe’s Science (December 1983)
- The Two Lights: The Lindisfarne Letter (January 1982)
- An Aeolian Harp: Nature and Novalis’ Science (January 1980)
- Goethe’s theory of color and scientific intuition (April 1976)